• Open today

Faulbaumgarten Alm toboggan run

The Alm is in Inneralpbach; walking time: approx. 1,5 hours, length: 3,6 km

Rodelbahn Faulbaumgartenalm Inneralpbach | © Alpbachtal Tourismus

Great tobogganing from the Faulbaumgartenalm/Inneralpbach

A 3,6-kilometer long tobogganing track leads from the Faulbaumgartenalm back out the valley. Walking time: approx. 1 - 1,5 hours.

The Faulbaumgartenalm (click in link for opening times) is a very old and cosy mountain hut with indoor and outdoor seating.

Starting point: Inneralpbach, Hochberg parking lot in the Lueger Valley

Please find current opening details in the tobogganing report

Tobbogan hire: Conny´s Sport in Alpbach and Inneralpbach, Alpbach Sports

The hut is only open until dusk. The run is not floodlit. Closed in bad weather! Toboggan run opening times  depend on snow conditions!

Opening hours
27/02/2025 - 04/03/2025
monday - sunday

Open winter only!

Please find current opening details in the tobogganing report

Alpbachtal Tourismus
Tourismusbüro Alpbach
Alpbach 404
6236 Alpbach