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Holzinger bacon and sausage specialities
Bacon, sausage specialities, lamb and individual gift baskets - straight from the farm!

Bacon & Sausage Specialities directly from the Holzinger Farm in Brixlegg!
Back in 1970, the Holzinger farm already begun marketing their products. Annemarie and Peter Moser are full-time farmers with up to 90 pigs and 100 sheep living on their farm. All the animals are fed with freshly ground dry fodder.
For generations, the Moser Family have been producing their bacon - they are real experts therefore!
Conscientiousness accompanies their products from the beginning until they are sold.
The mixed spice used is an old recipe from the region. Reared as naturally as possible, the products reflect the well-being of the livestock.
Tip: On the last Friday of every month, the Moser family open their smokehouse doors - and a variety of fresh bacon is available!
Gift baskets for every occasion
They also arrange delightful gift baskets (big or small ones) for you! Just let them know!
Opening hours
Please call in advance! Individual opening times by prior arrangement.
Their produce is sold at the Farmer's Market in Brixlegg taking place on the first Saturday of every month from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the Herrnhausplatz!
Peter & Annemarie Moser
Zimmermoos 23
6230 Brixlegg