Gratlspitze from Alpbach
Varied hike offering spectacular views from the 1.893 m high "Gratlspitze"
Starting from the Jausenstüberl Oberthaler car park follow the forest track and continue through Alpine pastures to the Hösl chapel and Hösllacke (pond) (30 min). Take the path to the right of the pond walking past the "Kupfersteig/Kaiserbründl" and follow the signs to the "Berggasthof Holzalm". The path leads gently uphill through the woods past a defunct mining edit and on to the Holzalm (50 min). Take the path to the left above the Berggasthof Holzalm and follow the track up to Gratlspitze 1 h 15 min. Enjoy the spectacular views! For the hike back follow the signs to the "Hösljoch" leading south/westwards below the peak. The undulating path leads over the saddle downhill (please note: surefootedness required)to the "Halsbergalm". Walk past following the path until you reach the Hösllacke (1 h 30 min) and back to the car park (30 min).
* Kupfersteig/Kaiserbründl information: Since ancient times copper has been mined and processed in the area. Exhibits dating back 6300 years document first settlements and that copper was extracted from these deposits approx. 3500 years ago. Scattered finds near the Kaiserbründl around Gratlspitze indicate prehistoric ore extractions in the area. In a goods catalogue from 1416 towards the end of the Middle Ages Thierberg (Gratlspitze was called Thierberg in those days) was mentioned as a copper mining area. Many tunnels and shafts were dug to mine the valuable ore. Starting in prehistoric days the silver found in ore also gained importance as it was used to mint coins. The shaft adit on this plateau below the Kaiserbründl is the main entrance to the Oberfund shaft, one of the main tunnels where the extracted ore was brought to the surface in a mine cart. The large tailing accumulation indicates where the two lower tunnels, the Unterfund and Peter tunnel were located. Mining in the area ceased in the mid-19th century. Next to the Kaiserbründl one can still see a large stone the so-called Scheidstein where ore was broken into smaller pieces and separated from the gangue (waste material).
Max. Altitude | 1893 |
Start | Alpbach Oberthalerhof car park |
End | Alpbach Oberthalerhof car park |
Public access | A12 motorway - exit Kramsach/Brixlegg, towards Brixlegg, Alpbachtal, to Alpbach, past the Congress Centrum on to the Jausenstation Oberthaler |
Public transport | not applicable |
Parking | Alpbach Oberthalerhof car park |
Equipment | Surefootedness is required on the descent from Gratlspitze to the Hösljoch! Feste Schuhe und Wetterkleidung |