• Alpbach

"Berchteln" - an Ancient Custom

Berchteln in Alpbach | © Fam. Hausberger - Hotel zur Post

An old Alpbach custom - the "Berchteln" go from house to house sweeping out bad spirits from the houses.

On 5th January, Alpbach awakens to a world of ancient legends. On the eve of Epiphany, the "Berchteln" go from house to house.

Clothed in tattered robes and with their faces hidden under hats, they create an atmosphere from another era. When they enter the houses, they sweep silently with their brooms - an ancient custom to drive away evil and bless the houses.

What used to be a way of helping the needy in winter is now a sign of community and hospitality. This keeps old traditions alive!

Date & time
Sun., 05/01/2025
Starts at: 00:00
Dorf Alpbach
6236 Alpbach